Thomas Honegger

(see also​)

  • 2019-2025



    ‘Memory, Lore, Knowledge.’ In William Sherwood (ed.). Tolkien 2019 - Proceedings from the 2019 Tolkien Society Conference. Edinburgh: Luna Press Publishing. (forthcoming)

    ‘From Old English orcneas to George MacDonald’s Goblins with Soft Feet: Sources of Inspiration and Models for Tolkien’s Orcs from English Literature.’ In Delila Jordan and Kerstin Droß-Krüpe (eds.). Eine kleine Geschichte der Orks. Der monströse Feind im Wandel der Zeit. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (forthcoming)

    ‘Beautiful and Sublime – and Never Mind the Pointed Ears. Visualizing the Elves throughout the Centuries.’ In Hans Rudolf Velten and Joseph Imorde (eds.). Fantasy Aesthetics. Visualizing Myth and Middle Ages, 1880-2020. The Middle Ages and Popular Culture. Bielefeld: transcript, 51-79.

    ‘Introduction.’ In Richard Z. Gallant. 2024. Germanic Heroes, Courage, and Fate: Northern Narratives of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Legendarium. Cormarë Series 49. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers, xxiii-xxiv.

    ‘From Brownie to Fair Elven People.’ in Forma de Vida 27 (December 2023) link to the paperExterner Link

    ‘Von den Schmetterlingsfeen zu den Albi Jacsonenses. Die Entwicklung der Darstellung der Feen und Elben unter dem Einfluss von Tolkiens Quendi.’ Hither Shore 20 (2023): 116-171.

    “Und was machen Sie, wenn Sie mit Tolkien durch sind?” Beitrag zum Forum ‘Wurde zu Tolkien noch nicht genug gesagt?' in Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 11.1 (2024): 32-37. link to the forum webpageExterner Link


    ‘Arthur – Aragorn – Peter – Ransom: Concepts of Kingship in the Works of Three Inklings’. Hither Shore 19 (2022): 96-115.

    'Beast epic.’ Routledge Resources Online – Medieval Studies.

    ‘Zoology.’ Routledge Resources Online – Medieval Studies.

    Tweaking Things a Little. Essays on the Epic Fantasy of J.R.R. Tolkien and George R.R. Martin. Cormarë Series 50. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers.
    Link to Table of Contents and specimen pages on academia.eduExterner Link 
    Review of Tweaking Things in Journal of Tolkien Research 18.1 link to reviewExterner Link


    ‘The Dog, the Cynic, and the Saint. The Case of Sandor Clegane.’ In Carolyne Larrington and Anna Czarnowus (eds.). Memory and Medievalism in George RR Martin and Game of Thrones. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 67-79, 183-187.

    ‘There and not back again. Ein Vierteljahrhundert Walking Tree Publishers.’ Hither Shore 17 (2020): 24-37.

    ‘Vorwort: Mittelerde ist keine imaginäre Welt.’ In Andreas Gerth and Frank Weinreich. 2022. Auenland und Düsterwald. Eine inspirierende Reise auf Tolkiens Spuren. Munich: Frederking & Thaler, 18.

    ‘Prólogo.’ In Martin Simonson. 2022. De Beowulf a Bombadil: La representación de la naturaleza en la literatura fantástica británica. Oviedo: Editorial Sapere Aude, 13-15.

    ‘Prefazione.’ In Clyde S. Kilby. 2022. Tolkien & Il Silmarillion. (Italian translation of Tolkien & The Silmarillion [1976]). Bari: L’Arco e la Corte, 17-21.

    ‘Foreword.’ In Ana Kechan (ed.). 2022. Reimagining the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Skopje: International Balkan University, 13-17.

    ‘Academic Writings’. In Stuart Lee (ed.). A Companion to J.R.R. Tolkien. 2nd edition. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, 21-33.

    ‘There and Not Back Again – A Short History and Assessment of Tolkien Criticism and Scholarship’ Lembas Katern in Lembas Jubileumnummer 200: 369-376.


    ‘Tolkien a través de los ojos de un medievalista.’ In José R. Monejano und Martin Simonson (eds.). J.R.R. Tolkien y la Tierra Media. Once ensayos sobre el mayor mito literario del siglo XX. Aces de Candamo: Jonathan Alwars Publicaciones, 17-45.

    'The Enigmatic Loss of Proto-Hobbitic.' Mythlore 40.1 (2021), article 11 (link to the paperExterner Link)

    ‘L’Ovestron tradotto in inglese moderno: i traduttori e la rete di linguaggi tolkieniana.’
    I Quaderni di Arda II: Rivista di studi tolkienani e mondi fantastici (2021): 229-249.

    ‘‘What have I got in my pocket?’ – Tolkien and the Tradition of the Rings of Power.’ Journal of Tolkien Research 13.1 (2021), article 1 (link to the paperExterner Link)


    ‘Language, Historical Depth, and the Fantastic in the Work of H.P. Lovecraft.’ In Dimitra Fimi, Thomas Honegger, and Allan Turner (eds.). Fantastic Languages – The Language of the Fantastic. (Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 9). Trier: WVT, 23-34.

    (as editor together with Dimitra Fimi and Allan Turner).  Fantastic Languages - The Language of the Fantastic. (Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 9). Trier: WVT.

    ‘‘We don’t need another hero’ – Problematic Heroes and their Function in Some of Tolkien’s Works.’ Journal of Tolkien Research 9.2 (2020), article 8. link to the paper.Externer Link

    ‘Re-incantare un mondo dis-incantato: Tolkien (1892-1973) e Lovecraft (1890-1937).’ 
    I Quaderni di Arda I: Rivista di studi tolkienani e mondi fantastici (2020): 181-205.

    ‘Owls, Nightingales, Cuckoos and Other Feathered Disputants: The Genre of the Bird Debate in Middle English, with Special Focus on The Owl and the Nightingale.’ In Enrique Jiménez and Catherine Mittermayer (eds.). Disputation Literature in the Near East and Beyond. (SANER: Studies in Ancient Near Easter Records 25). Berlin etc.: de Gruyter, 351-366.

    ‘‘Uncle me no uncle!' Or Why Bilbo Is and Isn't Frodo's Uncle.' Journal of Tolkien Research 9.1 (2020), article 4. link to the paper.Externer Link


    Introducing the Medieval Dragon. Medieval Animals Series Volume 1. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. See:  link to publisher's webpageExterner Link
    Link to review in Mittelalter DigitalExterner Link Link to review in Das Mittelalter (2022)Externer Link

    (as editor together with Dimitra Fimi). Sub-creating Arda: World-building in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Works, its Precursors, and Legacies. Cormarë Series 40. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers. See:  link to publisher's webpageExterner Link

    ‘Tolkien und die Tradition der Ringe der Macht.’ In Harald Meller, Susanne Kimmig-Völkner, and Alfred Reichenberger (eds.). Ringe der Macht / Rings of Power. Internationale Tagung vom 09. Bis 10. November 2018 in Halle (Saale). Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle. Band 21.1 (2019). Halle (Saale): Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, 227-246.

    ‘More Light Than Shadow? Jungian Approaches to Tolkien and the Archetypal Image of the Shadow.’ / ‘Più Luce che Ombra? Approcci junghiani a Tolkien e all’immagine archetipica dell’Ombra.’ In Giovanni Agnoloni (ed.). Tolkien: Light and Shadow. / Tolkien: la Luce e l’Ombra. Bilingual edition. N.p.: Kipple, 153-171 / 371-394.


  • 2011-2018


    ‘Splintered Heroes – Heroic Variety and its Function in The Lord of the Rings.’ In John D. Rateliff (ed.). A Wilderness of Dragons: Essays in Honor of Verlyn Flieger. Wayzata MI: The Gabbro Head Press, 157-175.

    ‘We don’t need another hero’ – Problematic Heroes and their Function in Some of Tolkien’s Works.’ J.R.R. Tolkien: Individual, Community, Society: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Tolkien in Hungary (Budapest, 3-4 September 2015). Published in Hungarian as ‘Nincs szükségünk még egy hősre – Problematikus hősök és szerepük Tolkien egyes műveiben.’ In Kincső Rózsa Kiss, Ágnes Bonácz, und Andrea Nagy Egyén (eds.). 2018. Közösség, társadalom – Tolkien Konferencia tanulmánykötet.Kiadja a Magyar Tolkien Társaság. (see my page at for the English version)

    ‘Commentary.' Jay Jonstone. Tolkienography: Isildur's Bane & Iconic Interpretation with Commentary from Thomas Honegger. Limited edition (500 copies)., 11-45. (see also ‘Ut pictura tractatio – Some Thoughts on Jay Johnstone’s Isildur’s Bane’.) See review atJournal of Inklings StudiesExterner Link

    Ut pictura tractatio – Some Thoughts on Jay Johnstone’s Isildur’s Bane’. (see my page at


    ‘Beasts of Battle’. In Siân Echard and Robert Rouse (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Medieval British Literature. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

    'Riders, Chivalry, and Knighthood in Tolkien.’ Journal of Tolkien Research Vol. 4. Iss. 2. Article 3.  link to the paperExterner Link

    ‘Meet the Professor – A Present-Day Colleague’s View of Tolkien’s Academic Life and Work.’ In Monika Kirner-Ludwig, Stephan Köser and Sebastian Streitberger (eds.). Binding Them All. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on J.R.R. Tolkien and His Works. Cormarë Series 37. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers, 17-38.

    (together with Allan Turner). ‘Get your names right: Onomastics, Onomaturgy and Literary World Building.’ In Natalia Gonzálezde la Llana, Patrick Schmitz und David Graziano (Hg.). Subcreation: Worldbuilding in the Fantastic. (Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 7). Trier: WVT, 93-107.

    ‘The Sea-dragon – in Search of an Elusive Creature.’ In Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich et al (eds.). Symbolik des Wassers im Mittelalter. Berlin etc.: de Gruyter, 221-231.


    (as editor together with Oliver Bidlo and Frank Weinreich). 2016. Fantastic Animals – Animals in the Fantastic. (Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 6). Trier: WVT.

    (as editor together with Maureen Mann). Humour in and around the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Cormarë Series 35. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers.

    'Heroic Scholars – Scholarly Heroes.’ In Renee Vink (ed.). Lembas Extra: Tolkien among Scholars. Leiden: Tolkienwinkel, 17-35.

    ‘Trasformazioni delle Fiabe: da Sellic Spell al Beowulf o dal Racconto Popolare all’Epica.’ In Stefano Girogianni (Hg.). 2016. All’ombra del Signore degli Anelli. Verona: Delmiglio editore (Fuori classe 6), 87-101.

    ‘Allegorical Hares and Real Dragons – Animals in Medieval Literature and Beyond’. In Roman Bartosch (ed.). Animal Poetics Special issue of Anglistik 27.2: 47-57. link to paperExterner Link

    ‘Transformations of Fairy Stories: From Sellic/Saelig Spell to Beowulf or from Folk Tale to Epic.’ Hither Shore 12: 248-260.


    ‘The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth, Beorhthelm’s Son.’ link to the Tolkien Estate WebsiteExterner Link


    (as editor together with Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich and Volker Leppin). Gottes Werk und Adams Beitrag. Formen der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Gott im Mittelalter. Berlin: de Gruyter

    (as editor together with Dirk Vanderbeke). From Peterborough to Faëry: The Poetics and Mechanics of Secondary Worlds. Cormarë Series 31. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers

    ‘From Faëry to Madness: The Facts in the Case of Howard Phillips Lovecraft’. In Thomas Honegger and Dirk Vanderbeke (eds.). From Peterborough to Faëry: The Poetics and Mechanics of Secondary Worlds. Cormarë Series 31. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers, 113-140.

    ‘Academic Writings’. In Stuart Lee (ed.). A Companion to J.R.R. Tolkien. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 27-40.

    ‘Fauna (Christianity).’ In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Berlin: de Gruyter.


    ‘Per aspera ad astra: Zu den Anfängen und zur institutionellen Etablierung der Anglistik in Jena.’ In Richard Trachsler (ed.). Bartsch, Foerster et Cie. La première romanistique allemande et son influence en Europe. Paris: Garnier, 247-264.

    ‘Der Hobbit – eine in mancher Hinsicht tatsächlich unerwartete Reise.’ Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 6 (2/2013): 137-144.

    ‘Il drago: sfida per santi ed eroi.’ In Franco Marzatico, Luca Tori and Aline Steinbrecher (eds.). Sangue di drago, squame di serpente. Genua and Milan: Skira, 259-267.

    (as editor together with Fanfan Chen). Humour and the Fantastic. (Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 3). Trier: WVT.

    ‘My Most Precious Riddle: Eggs and Rings Revisited.’ Tolkien Studies 10: 89-103.

    ‘‘Raw Forest’ versus ‘Cooked City’ – Lévi-Strauss in Middle-earth.’ In Helen Conrad-O’Briain and Gerard Hynes (eds.). J.R.R. Tolkien: the Forest and the City. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 76-86.


    ‘Der Drache: Herausforderer von Heiligen und Helden.’ In Luca Tori and Aline Steinbrecher (eds.). Animali: Tiere und Fabelwesen von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Genua and Milan: Skira, 192-203.

    (as editor together with Sarah Chevalier). Words, words, words: Philology and Beyond. Festschrift for Andreas Fischer on the Occasion of his 65 Birthday. Tübingen: Francke.

    ‘Plus de lumière que d’ombre? Approches Jungiennes de Tolkien et de l’image archétypale de l’ombre.’ In Vivien Stocker (ed.). L’arc et le heaume. Tolkien 1892-2012. Fretin: Association Tolkiendil, 25-43.

    ‘Communicative Spaces, Communicating Lovers – Declarations of Love in Marie de France’s Lanval and its English Adaptations.’ In Claudia Lange, Beatrix Weber and Göran Wolf (eds.). Communicative Spaces: Variation, Contact, and Change. Papers in Honour of Ursula Schaefer. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 91-114.

    ‘Ælfwine, Eriol.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 7-9.

    ‘Allemagne (et en langue Allemande), Réception en.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 23-26.

    ‘Amour Courtois, Courtoisie.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 33-35.

    ‘Animaux.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 45-47.

    ‘Manuscrits et Textes Inédits.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 412-413.

    ‘Modernité, Tolkien et la.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 402-404.

    ‘Retour de Beorhtnoth, Fils de Beorhthelm (Le).’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 500-503.

    ‘Shakespeare et Tolkien.’ ‘Sire Gauvain et le Chevalier Vert.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 541-542.

    ‘Sire Gauvain et le Chevalier Vert.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 548-551.

    ‘Sir Orfeo.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 551-553.

    ‘Tolkien, Christopher Reuel.’ In Vincent Ferré (ed.). Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 582-584.

    ‘Der Herr der Ringe: Mythos, Anwendbarkeit und gesunder Hobbitverstand.’ In Ute Dettmar, Mareile Oetken and Uwe Schwagmeier (eds.). SchWellengänge. Zur Poetik, Topik und Optik des Fantastischen in Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und -medien. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 41-62.


    ‘More Light Than Shadow? Jungian Approaches to Tolkien and the Archetypal Image of the Shadow.’  See  postpopuliExterner Link

    ‘Drachen – Gedanken zur Typologie eines phantastischen Wesens.’ In Oliver Bidlo, Julian Eilmann and Frank Weinreich (eds.). Zwischen den Spiegeln. Neue Perspektiven auf die Phantastik. Essen: Oldib Verlag, 92-106.

    ‘Time and Tide – Medieval Patterns of Interpreting the Passing of Time in Tolkien’s Work.’ Hither Shore 8: 86-99.

    ‘From Bestiary onto Screen: Dragons in Film.’ In Renate Bauer and Ulrike Krischke (eds.). Fact and Fiction: From the Middle Ages to Modern Times. Essays Presented to Hans Sauer on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie 37.) Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 197-215.

    ‘The Rohirrim: “Anglo-Saxons on Horseback”? An Inquiry into Tolkien’s Use of Sources.’ In Jason Fisher (ed.). Tolkien and the Study of His Sources: Critical Essays. Jefferson, North Carolina and London: McFarland, 116-132.

    ‘Tolkien e Jung.’ In Giovanni Agnoloni (ed.). Tolkien. La Luce e l’Ombra. 2011. Ascoli Piceno: Senzapatria Editore, 163-186.

    (together with Frank Weinreich). ‘Die aktuelle Tolkienforschung im Überblick: Personen – Organisationen – Verlage – Werke.’ Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 2:63-89.

    (co-edited together with Fanfan Chen). The European Tradition of the Fantastic.  (Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 2). Trier: WVT.

  • 2001-2010


    ‘Fantasy, Escape, Recovery, and Consolation in Sir Orfeo: The Medieval Foundations of Tolkienian Fantasy.’ Tolkien Studies 7: 117-136.

    (co-edited together with Fanfan Chen). Immortals and the Undead. (Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 1). Trier: WVT.


    (co-edited together with Fanfan Chen). Good Dragons are Rare – An Inquiry into Literary Dragons East and West. Frankurt am Main, etc.: Peter Lang.

    ‘A Good Dragon is Hard to Find; or, from draconitas to draco.’ In Fanfan Chen and Thomas Honegger (eds.). Good Dragons are Rare – An Inquiry into Literary Dragons East and West. Frankurt am Main, etc.: Peter Lang, 27-59.

    ‘Draco litterarius: Some Thoughts on an Imaginary Beast.’ In Sabine Obermaier (ed.). Tiere und Fabelwesen im Mittelalter. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 133-145.


    (co-edited together with Stratford Caldecott). Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Sources of Inspiration. Cormarë Series 18. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers.

    ‘A Look into Galadriel’s Mirror.’ In Stratford Caldecott and Thomas Honegger (eds.). Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Sources of Inspiration. Cormarë Series 18. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers, 233-237.


    (co-edited together with Günther Rohr). Tier und Religion. Themenband von Das Mittelalter. Leipzig: Akademie Verlag.

    (co-edited together with Eduardo Segura). Myth and Magic: Art According to the Inklings. Cormarë Series 14. Zurich and Jena: Walking Tree Publishers.

    (co-edited together with Winfried Rudolf and Andrew J. Johnston). Clerks, Wives and Historians: Essays on Medieval English Language and Literature. Collection/Sammlung Variations Volume 8. Berne, Berlin, etc.: Peter Lang.

    ‘Aelfwine.’ In Michael Drout (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Scholarship and Critical Assessment. New York and London: Routledge, 4-5.

    ‘Finn and Hengest.’ In Michael Drout (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Scholarship and Critical Assessment. New York and London: Routledge, 209-211.

    ‘Food.’ In In Michael Drout (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Scholarship and Critical Assessment. New York and London: Routledge, 214.

    ‘Germany.’ In Michael Drout (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Scholarship and Critical Assessment. New York and London: Routledge, 238-239.

    ‘Lembas.’ In Michael Drout (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Scholarship and Critical Assessment. New York and London: Routledge, 253-354.

    ‘Rings of Power.’ In Michael Drout (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Scholarship and Critical Assessment. New York and London: Routledge, 572-573.

    ‘Tolkien, Christopher Reuel.’ In Michael Drout (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Scholarship and Critical Assessment. New York and London: Routledge, 663-665.

    ‘Treason.’ In Michael Drout (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia. Scholarship and Critical Assessment. New York and London: Routledge, 673-674.

    The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth: Philology and the Literary Muse.’
    In Tolkien Studies 4: 191-201.

    ‘A Mythology for England? Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth’. In Eduardo Segura and Thomas Honegger (eds.). Myth and Magic. Art According to the Inklings. Cormarë Series 14. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers, 109-130.

    ‘A Mythology for England – the Question of National Identity in Tolkien’s Legendarium.’ In Hither Shore 3: 13-26.

    ‘Romancing the Form: Alliterative Metre and William of Palerne.’ In Winfried Rudolf, Thomas Honegger and Andrew J. Johnston (eds.). Clerks, Wives and Historians: Essays on Medieval English Language and Literature. Collection/Sammlung Variations Volume 8. Berne, Berlin, etc.: Peter Lang, 117-124.


    (co-edited together with Frank Weinreich). Tolkien and Modernity 1. Cormarë Series 9. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers.

    (co-edited together with Frank Weinreich). Tolkien and Modernity 2. Cormarë Series 10. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers.

    (co-edited together with Eva-Maria Orth and Sandra Schwabe). Irony Revisited. Spurensuche in der englischsprachigen Literatur. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.

    ‘‘Wouldst thou withdraw love’s faithful vow?’ The Negotiation of Love in the Orchard Scene (Romeo and Juliet Act II).’ In Journal of Historical Pragmatics 7: 73-88.

    ‘“I schal ware my whyle wel with tale” – Historical Pragmatics and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.’ In Andrew James Johnston, Ferdinand von Mengden and Stefan Thim (eds.). Language and Text: Current Perspectives on English and Germanic Historical Linguistics. Heidelberg: Winter, 79-95.

    ‘Triviale Liebeserklärungen? Bemerkungen zu einem problematischen Sprechakt in der mittelenglischen Literatur.’ In Ludger Lieb and Otto Neudeck (eds.). Triviale Minne? Konventionalität und Trivialisierung in spätmittelalterlichen Minnereden. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 77-90.

    ‘The Passing of the Elves and the Arrival of Modernity: Tolkien’s ‘Mythical Method’.’ In Thomas Honegger and Frank Weinreich (eds.). Tolkien and Modernity 2. Cormarë Series 10. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers, 211-232.

    (together with Jana Honegger) ‘Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings – Beyond the Printed Text.’ In Werner Delanoy and Laurenz Volkmann (eds.). Cultural Studies in the EFL Classroom. Heidelberg: Winter, 323-335.


    (as editor): Reconsidering Tolkien. Cormarë Series 8. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers.

    (as co-author together with Andrew J. Johnston, Friedhelm Schneidewind and Frank Weinreich): Eine Grammatik der Ethik. Saarbrücken: Edition Stein und Baum.

    ‘‘Wy3e welcum iwys to this place’ – and never mind the alliteration: Forms of Address in Two Alliterative Middle English Romances.’ In Nikolaus Ritt and Herbert Schendl (eds.). Rethinking Middle English: Linguistic and Literary Approaches. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 169-178.

    ‘Historical Pragmatics – In Dialogue with the Past.’ In Gabriele Knappe (ed.). Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Mediävistik: Standpunkte – Perspektiven – Neue Wege. Bamberger Beiträge zu Englischen Sprachwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 223-242.

    ‘Tolkien through the Eyes of a Medievalist.’ In Thomas Honegger (ed.). Reconsidering Tolkien. Cormarë Series 8. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers, 45-66.

    (together with Dieter Bachmann). ‘Ein Mythos für das 20. Jahrhundert: Blut, Rasse und Erbgedächtnis bei Tolkien.’ In Hither Shore 2: 13-39.

    ‘‘There was an old woman, lived under a hill …’ – A Proto-Hobbit Uncovered?’
    In Hither Shore 2: 247-250.

    ‘The Death of the Courtly Lover: Richard Roos’s La Belle Dame sans Mercy.’ In Lilo Mössner and Christa M. Schmidt (ed.). Anglistentag 2004 Aachen. Trier: WVT, 31-42.

    ‘Liebe: Die literarische Darstellung eines Gefühls in der höfischen Literatur des Mittelalters am Beispiel des Lai de l’ombre.’ In Paul Michel (ed.). Unmitte(i)lbarkeit – Gestaltungen und Lesbarkeit von Emotionen. Schriften zur Symbolforschung 15. Zürich: Pano, 225-240.

    ‘Die Transformation der höfischen Liebe in Shakespeares Romeo und Julia.’ In Jenaer Universitätsreden: Philosophische Fakultät, Antrittsvorlesungen VIII. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, 201-217.


    (as editor): Riddles, Knights and Cross-dressing Saints: Essays on Medieval English Language and Literature. Collection/Sammlung Variations Volume 5. Berne, Berlin, etc.: Peter Lang.

    (as editor): Translating Tolkien: Text and Film. Cormarë Series 6. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers.

    ‘A Note on Beren and Lúthien’s Disguise as Werewolf and Vampire-Bat.’
    In Tolkien Studies 1: 173-177.

    ‘The Westron Turned into Modern English: The Translator and Tolkien’s Web of Languages’ In Thomas Honegger (ed.). 2004. Translating Tolkien. Cormarë Series 6. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers, 1-20.

    ‘Die ‘interpretatio mediaevalia’ von Tolkiens Werk.’ In Hither Shore 1: 37-51.

    ‘De l’occidentalien à l’anglais moderne: le traducteur et le réseau de langages tolkienien’. (translated by Daniel Lauzon) In Vincent Ferré (ed.). 2004. Tolkien, Trente ans après (1973-2003). Paris: Christian Bourgois, 139-160.

    ‘Tolkiens moralischer Kosmos’. In Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 45: 239-259.

    ‘Nominal Forms of Address in Middle English: Pet Names and Terms of Endearment between Lovers’. In Christoph Bode, Sebastian Domsch and Hans Sauer (eds.). Anglistentag 2003 München. Trier: WVT, 39-55.


    (as editor): Tolkien in Translation. Cormarë Series 4. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers.

    ‘“And if ye wol nat so, my lady sweete, Thanne preye I thee, [...].” Forms of address in Chaucer’s The Knight’s Tale.’ In Andreas H. Jucker and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.). Diachronic Perspectives on Address Term Systems. Pragmatics & Beyond. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 61-84.

    ‘Offa’ In Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde. Volume 22. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 17-22.


    ‘Authors and Lovers: Presenting Amorous Interaction in Middle English Romance.’ In Peter J. Lucas and Angela Lucas (eds.). Middle English from Tongue to Text. Selected Papers from the Third International Conference on Middle English: Language and Text (Dublin, Ireland, 1-4 July 1999). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 137-152.

    ‘‘Curteisie’ in Dame Sirith.’ In Reinardus 15. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 71-86.


    ‘De arte (dis-)honeste amandi: Amatory Theory vs Literary Reality.’ In Thomas Honegger (ed.). Authors, Heroes and Lovers: Essays on Medieval English Literature and Language. / Liebhaber, Helden und Autoren: Studien zur alt- und mittelenglischen Literatur und Sprache. Collection/Sammlung Variations 2. Berne, Berlin, etc.: Peter Lang, 73-106.

    (as editor): Authors, Heroes and Lovers: Essays on Medieval English Literature and Language. / Liebhaber, Helden und Autoren: Studien zur alt- und mittelenglischen Literatur und Sprache. Ausgewählte Beiträge der Studientage Englisches Mittelalter (SEM) I & II. Collection/Sammlung Variations Band 2. Berne, Berlin, etc.: Peter Lang.

    (co-edited together with Sonja Kolberg and Thomas Stein). Variations 6: Andere Welten/Autres Mondes/Other Worlds.

    ‘‘luf-talkyng’ and Middle English Romance.’ In Hans-Jürgen Diller and Manfred Görlach (ed.). Towards a History of English as a History of Genres. Heidelberg: Winter, 161-184.

  • 1996-2000


    (co-edited together with Thomas Hunkeler und Sylvie Jeanneret). Variations 5: Fälschungen/Faux/Fakes.

    ‘Hengest und Finn, Horsa’ In Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, Volume 14. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 386-391.

    ‘Heremod’ In Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde. Volume 14. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 414-416.

    ‘‘But-that thou louye me, Sertes y dye fore loue of the’ – Towards a Typology of Opening Moves in Courtly Amorous Interaction.’ In Journal of Historical Pragmatics1.1: 117-150.

    ‘A Note on the Man-in-the-Moon Poem No. 333 in Iona and Peter Opie’s The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (1997).’ In Notes and Queries 245 (N.S. 47): 20-22.

    (zusammen mit Sabina Müller) ‘Re-Forging the Ancestral Tongue: Seamus Heaney’s New Translation of Beowulf.’ In Variations 5: 131-148.

    ‘Cultural Symbols in Transition: Animal Lore in Late English and Scottish Poetry.’ In Micrologus 8.2:489-509 (Il Mondo Animale –The World of Animals).


    (als Herausgeber): Root and Branch: Approaches towards Understanding Tolkien. Cormarë Series 2. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers. New edition 2005.

    ‘The Monster, the Critics, and the Public: Literary Criticism after the Poll.’ In Thomas Honegger (ed.). Root and Branch: Approaches towards Understanding Tolkien. Cormarë Series 2. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers, 1-5.

    ‘The Man in the Moon: Structural Depth in Tolkien.’ In Thomas Honegger (ed.). Root and Branch: Approaches towards Understanding Tolkien. Cormarë Series 2. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers, 9-76.

    ‘On the Fringes of Interaction: The Dawn-Song as a ‘Linguistic Routine’ of Parting.’ In Andreas H. Jucker, Gerd Fritz and Franz Lebsanft (eds.). Historical Dialogue Analysis. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 66. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 189-214.

    ‘The Legacy of the Bestiaries in Chaucer and Henryson.’ In Reinardus 12. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 45-65.

    ‘Éowyn, Aragorn and the Hidden Dangers of Drink.’ In Inklings 17. Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik. Moers: Brendow, 217-225.


    ‘Form and Function: The Beasts of Battle Revisited’ In English Studies 79: 289-298.

    ‘Tolkien and Medieval Studies.’ In Le Tolkieniste 1: 15-21.


    (edited together with Peter Buchs). News from the Shire and Beyond: Studies on Tolkien. Cormarë Series 1. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers. New edition 2004.

    ‘Men without Women Indeed – a Hemingway Bestiary.’ In Andreas Fischer, Martin Heusser and Thomas Hermann (eds.). Aspects of Modernism. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 181-200.

    ‘‘In einer Höhle in der Erde, da lebte ein Hobbit.’ – Zur Symbolik von Ort und Raum in J.R.R. Tolkiens Werk.’ In Paul Michel (ed.). Symbolik von Ort und Raum. Schriften zur Symbolforschung 11. Berne and New York: Peter Lang, 305-334.

    (together with Peter Buchs) ‘Tolkien Studies: News from the Shire and Beyond Indeed.’ In Peter Buchs and Thomas Honegger (eds.). News from the Shire and Beyond: Studies on Tolkien, 1-8.

    ‘From Bag End to Lórien: the Creation of a Literary World.’ In Peter Buchs and Thomas Honegger (eds.). News from the Shire and Beyond: Studies on Tolkien, 48-67.


    From Phoenix to Chauntecleer: Medieval English Animal Poetry. Swiss Studies in English 120. Tübingen: Francke Verlag.

    ‘‘A Fox is a Fox is a Fox …’ – The Fox and the Wolf Reconsidered’ In Reinardus 9: 59-74.


    ‘Shakespeares Gebrauch der Leibessymbolik in den ‘Roman Plays’.’ In Paul Michel (ed.). Symbolik des Leibes. Schriften zur Symbolforschung 10. Berne and New York: Peter Lang, 267-292.


  • 2019-2025



    Review of Holly Ordway. 2023. Tolkien’s Faith. A Spiritual Autobiography. Park Ridge IL: Word on Fire Academic. In Hither Shore 20 (2023): 298-300.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 19 und Tolkien Studies 19 Supplement. In Hither Shore 20 (2023): 305-309.

    Review of Thomas P. Hillman. 2023. Pity, Power, and Tolkien’s Ring. To Rule the Fate of Many. Kent OH: Kent State University Press. In Hither Shore 20 (2023): 293-294.

    Review of David Haden. 2022. Tree & Star. Tolkien and the Quest for Earendel. Self-published. In Hither Shore 20 (2023): 292.

    Review of Nicholas Birns. 2024. The Literary Role of History in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien. New York: Routledge; in Journal of Tolkien Research 19.1, Article 4. link to the reviewExterner Link


    Review of Jorge Luis Bueno-Alonso (ed.) 2022. Tolkien in the 21st Century. Reading, Reception, and Reinterpretation. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 130-132.

    Review of Cristina Casagrande. 2022. Friendship in The Lord of the Rings. Edinburgh: Luna Press Publishing; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 133-134.

    Review of Jane Chance. 2016. Tolkien, Self and Other: ‘This Queer Creature’. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 135-137.

    Review of Giovanni Carmine Costabile. 2022. The Road to Fair Elfland. Tolkien on Fairy-stories: An Extended Commentary. Palermo: Phronesis Editore; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 138-139. 

    Review of Douglas Estes (ed.). 2023. Theology and Tolkien: Practical Theology. Lanham MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 145-146. 

    Review of Nick Groom. 2022. Twenty-First-Century Tolkien. What Middle-Earth Means to Us Today. London: Atlantic Books; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 156-159. 

    Review of Joshua Hren. 2018. Middle-earth and the Return of the Common Good. J.R.R. Tolkien and Political Philosophy. Eugene OR: Cascade Books; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 165-168.

    Review of Amber Lehning. 2022. The Map of Wilderland. Ecocritical Reflections on Tolkien’s Myth of Wilderness. Kent OH: The Kent State University Press; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 169-171.

    Review of Mark McGivern. 2023. Tolkien’s Hidden Pictures. Anthroposophy and the Enchantment of Middle-earth. New York: Lindisfarne Books; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 174-175.

    Review of John D. Rateliff (ed.). 2018. A Wilderness of Dragons: Essays in Honor of Verlyn Flieger. Wayzata MI: The Gabbro Head Press; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 176-177.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 15; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 181-183.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 16; in Hither Shore 19 (2022): 184-188.

    'J.R.R. Tolkien: Keine moderne Fantasy-Welt ohne seinen Einfluss.'
    Radio SRF 'Treffpunkt' 04 September 2023 Interview. link to the radio websiteExterner Link

    'Tolkien und Der Herr der Ringe – Fantasy-Erfolg eines Sprachgenies.' 
    Radio SWR2 Wissen 30 August 2023. link to the website with the radio programmeExterner Link

    Review of Austin M. Freeman. 2022. Tolkien Dogmatics. Theology through Mythology with the Maker of Middle-earth. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press; in Journal of Tolkien Research 15.2. link to the reviewExterner Link

    Review of Armand Berger. 2022. Tolkien, l’Europe et la tradition. La civilization à l’aune de l’imaginaire. La nouvelle librairie. Paris: Iliade; in Hither Shore 18 (2021): 156-157.

    Review of Peter Grybauskas. 2021. A Sense of Tales Untold. Exploring the Edges of Tolkien’s Literary Canvas. Kent OH: The Kent State University Press; in Hither Shore 18 (2021): 158-160.

    Review of John Rosegrant. 2022. Tolkien, Enchantment, and Loss. Kent OH: The Kent State University Press; in Hither Shore 18 (2021): 161-163.

    Review of Robert Stuart. 2022. Tolkien, Race, and Racism in Middle-earth. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; in Hither Shore 18 (2021): 164-169. 

    Review of Tolkien Studies 18 (2021); in Hither Shore 18 (2021): 170-175.

    Review of Austin M. Freeman. 2022. Tolkien Dogmatics. Theology through Mythology with the Maker of Middle-earth. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press; in Hither Shore 16 (2019): 160.


    Zeitzeichen: '21. September 1937: Der Hobbit wird veröffentlicht' Link to the radio broadcastExterner Link

    ‘From Old English orcneas to George MacDonald’s Goblins with Soft Feet: Sources of Inspiration & Models for Tolkien’s Orcs in English Literature.’ Guest lecture at the international conference on ‘Der monströse Feind/The Monstrous Enemy’,  Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 12-13 May 2022. link to the programmeExterner Link

    Review of Tim Flight. 2021. Basilisks and Beowulf. Monsters in the Anglo-Saxon World. London: Reaktion Books; in The Medieval Review. link to the reviewExterner Link

    Review of J.R.R. Tolkien. 2021. The Nature of Middle-earth: Late Writings on the Lands, Inhabitants, and Metaphysics of Middle-earth. Edited by Carl F. Hostetter. London: HarperCollins; in Journal of Inklings Studies 12.1 (2022): 147-149. DOI: 10.3366/ink.2022.0146

    Review of Tolkien Studies 17 (2020); in Hither Shore 17 (2020): 279-283.

    ‘Tolkien in Switzerland’: Review of Lewis, Alex and Elizabeth Currie. Artwork by Ruth Lacon. 2019. Tolkien’s Switzerland. A Biography of One Special Summer. N.p.: Elansea. [print, Amazon self-publication] / Garth, John. 2020. The Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien. The Places that Inspired Middle-earth. London: Frances Lincoln. / Monsch, Martin S. 2021. Switzerland in Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Zurich: M.S. Monsch. / Monsch, Martin S. 2021. Die Schweiz in Tolkiens Mittelerde. Zürich: M.S. Monsch; in Hither Shore 17 (2020): 288-293.


    ‘Names, Maps and Songs: Worldbuilding in Tolkien and Martin.’ Guest lecture at the ‘7th International Conference on the Inklings & Western Imagination,’ University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea/Universidad del Pais Vasco), 29 March 2021. link to the video of the lectureExterner Link

    ‘Imrahil’s Vambrace(s) or Tolkien’s Other Middle Ages.’ Guest lecture at the international conference ‘Tolkien: Man, Myth and History, ’ University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano), 21 May 2021.

    ‘Vom Auenland nach Westeros: Landkarten und fantastische Welten bei JRR Tolkien und GRR Martin.’ Guest lecture at the special exhibition ‘Fantastische Welten – Kartographie des Unbekannten,’ Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, 23 August 2021. 

    ‘Landkarten, Eisbergspitzen und kleine Leute: Die Weltenschöpfungen von JRR Tolkien und GRR Martin.’ Guest lecture at the Literaturtage ‚Fantastische Welten‘, Oberlech 23-26 September 2021. 


    Review of Den Drachen denken. Liminale Geschöpfe als das Andere der Kultur. Edited by Markus May, Michael Baumann, Robert Baumgartner and Tobias Eder. 2018. Bielefeld: transcript; in Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 8.1 (doi: link to the reviewExterner Link)

    Review of Christopher Butynskyi. 2020. The Inklings, the Victorians and the Moderns: Reconciling Tradition in the Modern Age. Lanham, Maryland: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; in Journal of Tolkien Research 10.2 (link to the reviewExterner Link)

    Review of Die Literatur des Mittelalters im Fantasyroman. Edited by Nathanael Busch and Hans Rudolf Velten. 2018. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter; in Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung. 7.2 (doi: link to the reviewExterner Link).

    Review of Michael J. Warren. 2018. Birds in Medieval English Poetry: Metaphors, Realities, Transformations. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer; in Anglia 138.1: 175-177 (doi: link to the reviewExterner Link).

    Review of Lisa Coutras. 2016. Tolkien’s Theology of Beauty. Majesty, Splendor, and Transcendence in Middle-earth. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; in Hither Shore 14 (2017): 326-328.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 14 (2017); in Hither Shore 14 (2017): 338-341

    Review of Tolkien Studies 13 (2016); in Hither Shore 14 (2017): 331-336.


    SWR 2 Forum discussion (in German) Tolkiens Vermächtnis (18 June 2019)

    Interview: Thomas Honegger on the Medieval Dragon: link to the interviewExterner Link

    Review of Die Welt von Game of Thrones. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf George R. R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire. Edited by Markus May, Michael Baumann, Robert Baumgartner und Tobias Eder.  2016. Bielefeld: transcript; and Women of Ice and Fire. Gender, Game of Thrones, and Multiple Media Management. Edited by Anne Gjelsvik and Rikke Schubart. 2016. New York: Bloomsbury. In Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 7.1 (doi: link to the reviewExterner Link).

  • 2011-2018


    Review of Tolkien Studies 12 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 13: 160-162.

    Review of J.R.R. Tolkien. 2016. The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun. Edited by Verlyn Flieger. London: HarperCollins, in Journal of Tolkien Research link to the reviewExterner Link


    ‘To whom it may concern – a Reviewer’s Complaint.’ Hither Shore 12: 276-277.

    Review of Theresa Freda Nicolay. 2014. Tolkien and the Modernists: Literary Responses to the Dark New Days of the 20th Century. Jefferson NC: McFarland, in Hither Shore 12: 278-280.

    Review of Deke Parsons. 2014. J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert E. Howard and the Birth of Modern Fantasy. Jefferson NC: McFarland, in Hither Shore 12: 280-281.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 11 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 12: 281-286.

    Review of Edward L. Risden. 2015. Tolkien’s Intellectual Landscape. Jefferson NC: McFarland, in Hither Shore 12: 288-292.

    Review of Ralph C. Wood (ed.). 2015. Tolkien among the Moderns. Notre Dame IN: University of Notre Dame Press, in Hither Shore 12: 295-299.


    Review of Theresa Freda Nicolay. 2014. Tolkien and the Modernists: Literary Responses to the Dark New Days of the 20th Century. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, in Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 6 (2/2015): 133-135.

    Review of Bradford Eden Lee (ed.). 2014. ‘The Hobbit’ and Tolkien’s Mythology. Jefferson NC: McFarland, in Journal of Tolkien Research 2.1 (2015) link to the reviewExterner Link

    Review of Timo Rebschloe. 2014. Der Drache in der mittelalterlichen Literatur Europas. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, in Arbitrium 33.2 (2/2015): 147–149,
    DOI: 10.1515/arb-2015-0011

    Keynote Lecture ‘From Fafner to Smaug: Dragons on the Silver Screen’ presented at the Conference on ‘Film in the 21st Century’, 10 July 2015, University of Hamburg link to the videoExterner Link

    Plenary Lecture presented at the International Conference on ‘The Inklings: Fantasy and National Discourse’, 1 April 2015, University of Vitoria-Gasteiz link to the videoExterner Link

    Interview (in Polish) in Aiglos 20 (2015): 274-285.

    Interview (in Hungarian) in Lassi Laurië 13 (August 2015): 10-11.

    Review of Stefan Ekman. 2013. Here Be Dragons. Exploring Fantasy Maps and Settings. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University, in Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 5.1 (2015): 139-141.

    Review of Timo Rebschloe. 2014. Der Drache in der mittelalterlichen Literatur Europas. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, in Spenser Review 44.3.62 (2015) link to the reviewExterner Link

    Review of Stefan Ekman. 2013. Here Be Dragons. Exploring Fantasy Maps and Settings. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University, in Hither Shore 11: 173-176.

    Review of Raymond Edwards. 2014. Tolkien. London: Robert Hale, in Hither Shore 11: 184-185.

    Review of Deborah A. Higgens. 2014. Anglo-Saxon Community in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. NP: Oloris Publishing, in Hither Shore 11: 187-188.


    Review of Adam Roberts. 2013. The Riddles of The Hobbit. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, in Tolkien Studies 11: 247-250.

    Review of Ulrike Schenk. 2013. Die mittelenglische Romanze zwischen Imitation und Innovation: Zur Dynamik einer Diskurstradition. Münchener Universitätsschriften 38. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang Edition, in Anglia 132.2 (2014): 393-394.

    Interview (in German) on the occasion of the publication of the first volume of The Lord of the Rings 60 years ago in Deutschlandradio Kultur 29 July 2014. link to the interviewExterner Link

    Review of Guillemette Bolens and Lukas Erne (eds.). 2011. Medieval and Early Modern Authorship. SPELL (Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature 25). Tübingen: Narr, in Anglistik 25.1 (2014): 197-200.

    Review of Arnulf Krause. 2012. Die wirkliche Mittelerde. Tolkiens Mythologie und ihre Wurzeln im Mittelalter. Darmstadt: Konrad Theiss, in Hither Shore 10: 230.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 9 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 10: 231.

    Review of Adam Roberts. 2013. The Riddles of the Hobbit. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, in Hither Shore 10: 237-240.

    Review of Christopher Scarf. 2013. The Ideal of Kingship in the Writings of Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Divine Kingship is Reflected in Middle-earth. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co, in Hither Shore 10: 240-241.

    Interview (in French and English) at the Conference ‘Tolkien et les Inklings’ (Cerisy 2012). link to the interviewExterner Link

    Interview (in German) with Jörg Biesler on Elvish languages in SWR2 Matinee 23 March 2014.

    ‘Fantasyromane – nichts für Christen?’ – Interview (in German) with Erik Brühlmann on the relationship between Fantasy and Christianity. Der Sonntag 10: 16-20 and
    Doppelpunkt 10: 16-20.


    Review of Neil Cartlidge (ed.). 2012. Heroes and Anti-Heroes in Medieval Romance. Studies in Medieval Romance. Woodbridge: Brewer, in Anglia 131.2-3 (2013): 377-381.

    Review of Jane Chance (ed.). 2003. Tolkien the Medievalist. London und New York: Routledge. Paperback edition 2008, in The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms. Journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI) 18.6 (2013): 774-776. link to the reviewExterner Link

    Interview (in German) in Tages Anzeiger / Der Bund. link to the interviewExterner Link

    Interview (in English) in Revista de Letras. link to the interviewExterner Link

    Interview (in German) on ‘Der Hobbit und Tolkiens Mittelerde’ in MDR Radio: Kulturnacht. Broadcast 03 January 2013.


    Review of Corinne Saunders. 2010. Magic and the Supernatural in Medieval English Romance. Studies in Medieval Romance 13. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, in Anglia 130.3: 433-435.

    Review of James Wade. 2011. Fairies in Medieval Romance. The New Middle Ages. New York: Palgrave, in Anglia 130.3: 435-437.

    Review of Eike Kehr. 2011. Natur und Kultur in J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings. Studien zur Anglistischen Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft (SALS) 35. Trier: WVT, in Anglistik 23.1: 219-221.

    Review of Bernd Roling. 2010. Drachen und Sirenen. Die Rationalisierung und Abwicklung der Mythologie an den europäischen Universitäten. Mittellateinische Studien und Texte 42. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010, in Scriptorium 2011.2: 219-220.

    Review of Melissa Furrow. 2009. Expectations of Romance. The Reception of a Genre in Medieval England. Cambridge: Brewer; Laura Ashe, Ivana Djordjevic & Judith Weiss (eds.). 2010. The Exploitations of Medieval Romance. Cambridge: Brewer; Rhiannon Purdie and Michael Cichon (eds.). 2011. Medieval Romance, Medieval Contexts. Cambridge: Brewer, in Anglia 130.2: 298-306.

    Review of Leonie Franz. 2011. Wahre Wunder. Tiere als Funktions- und Bedeutungsträger in mittelalterlichen Gründungslegenden. (Beiträge zur älteren Literaturgeschichte), Heidelberg: Winter, in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 47: 477-479.

    Review of Mark Atherton. 2012. There and Back Again. JRR Tolkien and the Origins of The Hobbit. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, in Hither Shore 9: 178-179.

    Review of Vincent Ferré (ed.). 2012. Dictionnaire Tolkien. Paris: CNRS Editions, in Hither Shore 9: 179-180.

    Review of Verlyn Flieger. 2012. Green Suns and Faerie. Essays on J.R.R. Tolkien. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, in Hither Shore 9: 181.

    Review of Corey Olsen. 2012. Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, in Hither Shore 9: 186-187.

    Review of Elizabeth M. Stephen. 2012. Hobbit to Hero. The Making of Tolkien’s King. Moreton in Marsh: ADC Publications, in Hither Shore 9: 189.

    Interview (in German) in Tolkiens Welt.

    Interview/Blog (in English) in The Tolkienist. link to the interviewExterner Link


    Review of Michael Alexander. 2007. Medievalism. The Middle Ages in Modern England. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, in Das Mittelalter 16: 161-162.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 8 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 8: 301-303.

    Review of Carl Phelpsted. 2011. Tolkien and Wales: Language, Literature and Identity. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, in Hither Shore 8: 306-307.

    Review of Arne Zettersten. 2011. Tolkien’s Double Worlds and Creative Process. Language and Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, in Hither Shore 8: 308-310.

  • 2001-2010


    Review of Elizabeth Solopova. 2009. Languages, Myths and History. An Introduction to the Linguistics and Literary Background of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Fiction. North Landing: North Landing Books, in Hither Shore 7: 241-242.


    Review of Alex Lewis und Elizabeth Currie. 2009. The Epic Realm of Tolkien: Parto One – Beren and Lúthien. Moreton-in-Marsh: ADC Publications, in Hither Shore 6: 245-247.

    Review of Thomas Scholz. 2009. Weit entfernte Wunder. Zur Konstruktion von Raum und Zeit in der englischen Fantasyliteratur am Beispiel von J.R.R. Tolkiens The Hobbit. (ALPH 4). Frankfurt am Main etc.: Peter Lang, in Hither Shore 6: 250-251.

    Review of Pia Skogeman. 2009. Where the Shadows Lie. A Jungian Interpretation of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Wilmette, Illinois: Chiron Publications, in Hither Shore 6: 252-253.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 6 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 6: 255-259.

    Review of Dimitra Fimi. 2008. Tolkien, Race and Cultural History. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, in Tolkien Studies 6: 289-294.

    Review of Robert D. Fulk, Robert E. Bjork and John D. Niles (eds.). 2008. Klaeber’s Beowulf. (4th edition). Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press, in Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 50: 323-324.

    Review of Richard North. 2006. The Origins of Beowulf. From Vergil to Wiglaf. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in Das Mittelalter 14.2: 186-188.


    Review of Judith E. Tonning and Brendan N. Wolfe (eds.). 2008. The Chronicle of the Oxford University C.S. Lewis Society. Oxford: The Oxford C.S. Lewis Society,
    in Hither Shore 5: 241.

    Review of Fanfan Chen. 2007. Fantasticism. Poetics of Fantastic Literature. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, in Hither Shore 5: 244-247.

    Review of Verlyn Flieger und Douglas A. Anderson (eds.). 2008. Tolkien On Fairy-stories. London: HarperCollins, in Hither Shore 5: 248-249.

    Review of Lynn Forest-Hill (ed.). 2008. The Mirror Crack’d. Fear and Horror in JRR Tolkien’s Major Works. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, in Hither Shore 5: 251-254.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 5 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 5: 259-261.

    Review of Dimitra Fimi. 2008. Tolkien, Race and Cultural History. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, in Hither Shore 5: 266-267.

    Review of Robert Allen Rouse. 2005. The Idea of Anglo-Saxon England in Middle English Romance. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, in Das Mittelalter 13.2: 176-177.

    Interview (in German) in Phantastik Couch.


    Review of Janet Brennan Croft (ed.). 2007. Tolkien and Shakespeare. Essays on Shared Themes and Language. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, in Hither Shore 4: 207.

    Review of Trevor Hart and Ivan Khovacs (eds.). 2007. Tree of Tales: Tolkien, Literature, and Theology. Waco TX: Baylor University Press, in Hither Shore 4: 208-209.

    Review of Jane Chance and Alfred K. Siewers (eds.). 2005. Tolkien’s Modern Middle Ages. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, in Hither Shore 4: 231-234.

    Review of Janet Brennan Croft (ed.). 2004. Tolkien on Film: Essays on Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings. Altadena, CA: The Mythopoeic Press, in Hither Shore 4: 234-236.


    Review of Tolkien Studies 3 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 3: 263-265.

    Review of Robert Eaglestone (ed.). 2005. Reading The Lord of the Rings. New Writings on Tolkien’s Classic. London und New York: Continuum, in Hither Shore 3: 268.

    Review of Stuart D. Lee and Elizabeth Solopova. 2005. The Keys of Middle-earth. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, in Hither Shore 3: 274.


    Review of Christopher Harper-Bill and Elisabeth van Houts (eds.). 2002. A Companion to the Anglo-Norman World. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, in Das Mittelalter 9: 177.

    Review of Elaine Treharne (ed.). 2002. Writing Gender and Genre in Medieval Literature: Approaches to Old and Middle English Texts. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, in Das Mittelalter 9: 189.

    Review of Philippa Hardman (ed.). 2002. The Matter of Identity in Medieval Romance. Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, in Das Mittelalter 9: 176-77.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 2 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 2: 265-268.

    Review of Jörg Knobloch (ed.). 2005. Praxis Lesen: z.B. Tolkien. Lichtenau: AOL and Frank Weinreich. 2002. Mentor Lektüre Durchblick: J.R.R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings/Der Herr der Ringe. München: Mentor Verlag, in Hither Shore 2: 269-271.

    Review of Douglas A. Anderson (ed.). 2003. Tales before Tolkien: The Roots of Modern Fantasy. New York: DelRey, in Hither Shore 2: 271-272.

    Review of Marjorie Burns. 2005. Perilous Realms. Celtic and Norse in Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, in Hither Shore 2: 272-273.

    Review of Lin Carter. 1969. Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings. Reprinted and revised 2003. London: Gollancz, in Hither Shore 2: 274.

    Review of Verlyn Flieger. 2005. Interrupted Music. The Making of Tolkien’s Mythology. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, in Hither Shore 2: 275-276.

    Review of Alex Lewis and Elizabeth Currie. 2005. The Forsaken Realm of Tolkien. J.R.R. Tolkien and the Medieval Tradition. Oswestry: Medea Publishing, in Hither Shore 2: 278-279.

    Review of Lynnette R. Porter. 2005. Unsung Heroes of The Lord of the Rings. From the Page to the Screen. Westport, CT and London: Praeger, in Hither Shore 2: 279-280.

    Review of Alexander van de Bergh. 2005. Mittelerde und das 21. Jahrhundert. Zivilisationskritik und alternative Gesellschaftsentwürfe in J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings. Trier: WVT, in Hither Shore 2: 285.

    Review of James Simpson. 2002. The Oxford English Literary History Volume 2 (1350-1547): Reform and Cultural Revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in Das Mittelalter 10.2: 181.

    Review of Frederick M. Biggs, Thomas D. Hill, Paul E. Szarmach and E. Gordon Whatley (eds.). 2001. Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture. Volume I: Abbo of Fleury, Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, and Acta Sanctorum. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, in Anglia 123.2: 289-290.

    Review of Robert G. Benson and Susan J. Ridyard (eds.). 2003. New Readings of Chaucer’s Poetry. Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, in Anglia 123.2: 296-298.


    Review of Andrew James Johnston. 2001. Clerks and Courtiers: Chaucer, Late Middle English Literature and the State Formation Process. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, in Literaturwissenschatliches Jahrbuch 45: 340-343.

    Review of Katja Lenz and Ruth Möhligs (eds.). 2002. Of dyuersite & chaunge of langage. Essays Presented to Manfred Görlach on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, in English Studies 85: 569-570.

    Review of Tim William Machan. 2003. English in the Middle Ages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in Variations 12: 315-317.

    Review of John Garth. 2003. Tolkien and the Great War. The Threshold of Middle-earth. London: HarperCollins, in Variations 12: 317-318.

    Review of Tolkien Studies 1 (University of Virginia Press), in Hither Shore 1: 175.

    Review of Jane Chance (ed.). 2003. Tolkien the Medievalist. London: Routledge,
    in Hither Shore 1: 177-179.

    Review of Jane Chance (ed.). 2004. Tolkien and the Invention of Myth. A Reader. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, in Hither Shore 1: 179-181.

    Review of Matthew Dickerson. 2003. Following Gandalf. Epic Battles and Moral Victory in The Lord of the Rings. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, in Hither Shore 1: 181-182.

    Review of Neil Heims. 2004. Great Writers: J.R.R. Tolkien. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, in Hither Shore 1: 184-185.

    Review of Edmund Wainwright. 2004. Tolkien’s Mythology for England. A Middle-earth Companion, Firthgarth: Anglo-Saxon Books, in Hither Shore 1: 190-191.

    Review of Rose A. Zimbardo and Neil D. Isaac (eds.). 2004. Understanding The Lord of the Rings. The Best of Tolkien Criticism. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, in Hither Shore 1: 191-192.


    Review of Irma Taavitsainen, Terttu Nevalainen, Päivi Pahta and Matti Rissanen (eds.). 2000. Placing Middle English in Context. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, in Anglia 121: 108-110.

    Review of Eric Gerald Stanley. 2000. Imagining the Anglo-Saxon Past: ‘The Search for Anglo-Saxon Paganism’ and ‘Anglo-Saxon Trial by Jury’. Cambridge: Brewer, in Anglia 121: 643-644.


    ‘Legends of Middle-earth: two recent scholarly publications on J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings.’ Review of Verlyn Flieger and Carl F. Hostetter (eds.). 2000. Tolkien’s Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-earth. Westport: Greenwood Press, and George Clark and Daniel Timmons (eds.). 2000. J.R.R. Tolkien and His Literary Resonances: Views of Middle-earth. Westport: Greenwood Press, in Variations 8: 157-160.

    ‘Cross-channel Communications.’ Review of Alan Hindley, Frederick W. Langley and Brian J. Levy. 2000. Old French – English Dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in Variations 9: 146-147.


    ‘Author of the Century? New Publications on Tolkien.’ Review of Harold Bloom (ed.). 2000. J.R.R. Tolkien. (Modern Critical Views). Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, and Tom A. Shippey. 2000. J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century. London: HarperCollins,
    in Variations 6: 192-194.

    ‘King Arthur and His Neglected Relations – New Publications on Medieval Romance.’ Review of Roberta L. Krueger (ed.). 2000. The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Ad Putter and Jane Gilbert (eds.). 2000. The Spirit of Medieval English Popular Romance. London and New York: Longman, in Variations 7: 172-174.

    Review of Dorothy Yamamoto. 2000. The Boundaries of the Human in Medieval English Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in HJEAS (Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies) 7.1: 161-164.

  • 1995-2000


    ‘Dem Prozess der Verschriftlichung auf der Spur.’ Review of Christine Ehler. 1999. Verschriftung und Verschriftlichung des Altenglischen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, in Variations 4: 168-170.

    ‘Spice Girls und andere Grenzsituationen.’ Review of Daniel Ammann, Heinz Moser and Roger Vaissière (eds.). 1999. Medien Lesen. Der Textbegriff in der Medienwissenschaft. Zurich: Pestalozzianum, in Variations 5: 218-219.

    ‘Beowulf zum Zweiten.’ Review of R.M. Liuzza. 2000. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation. Ontario: Broadview Press, in Variations 5: 233-234.


    Review of Joyce E. Salisbury. 1994. The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages. New York and London: Routledge, in Studies in the Age of Chaucer 18: 283-285.


    Review of SPELL 7 (Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature) in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), 18 February 1995, 48.

    Review of Norbert Loacker. Maddalenas Musik. Solothurn and Düsseldorf: Benziger, in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), 12 October 1995, 48.

    Review of Joyce E. Salisbury. 1994. The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages. New York and London: Routledge, in Mitteilungsblatt des Mediävistenverbandes No. 1, Spring 1995, 41-42.
