Eva-Maria Orth
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Ich berate Studierende aller Studiengänge des Instituts für Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Lehramt, Bachelor, Master.
Ausführliche Informationen rund um das Studium finden Sie in MoodleExterner Link (Anmeldung erforderlich; Passwort: hub)
Es finden regelmäßig Informationsveranstaltungen statt zu:
- den mündlichen und schriftlichen Prüfungen im Staatsexamen
- der Staatsexamensarbeit im Fach Englisch
- der Bachelorarbeit im BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Das Programm zu den Studieneinführungstagen und weitere Informationen für Studienanfänger*innen finden Sie hierExterner Link.
Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten
Ich betreue Abschlussarbeiten (Bachelor, Master, Staatsexamen) mit literaturwissenschaftlichen und kulturwissenschaftlichen Themen.
bisherige Themen (Auswahl):
Staatsexamen und Master- The Queen's Platinum Jubilee and the Construction of National Identity
- "This is My Country, The Land That Begat Me": Representations of Scottish National Identity in the Edinburgh Canongate Wall Quotations
- Skinheads: The Representation of a British Subculture in Fiction and Film
- British Political Speeches and the Construction of National Identity
- Multicultural London Explored: The City and its People in Novels by Zadie Smith and Monica Ali
- Racism in Contemporary Anglophone Novels of the African Diaspora
- "Women turning to their true selves": Lesbian Characters in Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Century Fiction
- Femininity in Disney’s Feature Length Animated Movies
- Subversion of Gender Hierarchies in Short Stories by British Women Writers
- "We are formed by what we desire": Sexuality and Gender in John Irving’s In One Person and Jackie Kay’s Trumpet
- Representations of Masculinity in Colonial Narrative Fiction
- Coming of Age in British Short Fiction: A Comparison of Stories of Male and Female Initiation
- Female Friendship in Zadie Smith’s Swing Time and Sally Rooney’s Conversations with Friends
- The Female Detective
- Race and Racism in Yound Adult Literature: Angie Thomas's The Hate U Give and Nic Stone's Dear Martin
- Trinidad in S. Selvon’s Moses Migrating and V.S. Naipaul’s The Enigma of Arrival
- '… quite unreal and like a dream': Place(s) in Wide Sargasso Sea
- "The truth had become as ghostly as invention": Multiple Perspectives in Ian McEwan’s Atonement
- Bits and Pieces: Theories of the Self and Doug Dorst’s S
- The Modern Subject and the Domination of Nature: A Reading of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Nostromo
- 19th Century British Fiction and the Caribbean
- The Significance of Place in Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South
- Hospitality in Charles Dickens‘ Oliver Twist and Great Expectations
- Morality in Jane Austen’s Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice
- Modernizing Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock and Elementary
- Antiques Roadshow: Constructing National Identity
- National Identity on British Television - A Study of The Great British Bake Off, Series 10
- "Evenings in front of the telly": Gogglebox and the Construction of National Identity
- "A brighter future" or "real damage to our country": Brexit in Political Speeches
- Contribution or Burden? Attitudes Towards Immigration in Post-War Political Rhetoric
- British National Identity and the Second World War
- Political Rhetoric and the Construction of National Identity: A Comparison of British and US American Political Speeches
- Conceptions of Britishness in Bend It Like Beckham, Ae Fond Kiss and Sixty Six
Studiengangsverantwortliche BA Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Mitglied der Studienkommission der Philosophischen Fakultät